Over and over again

And I can’t keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad…

Nelly feat. Tim McGraw – Over and over (audio)

Nelly feat Tim McGraw – Over and over (video)

Nelly feat. Tim McGraw – Over and over (lyrics)

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can’t keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause it’s all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can’t take it yeah I can’t shake it

I can’t wait to see you
Want to see if you still got that look in your eyes
That one you had for me before we said our goodbyes
And it’s a shame that we got to spend our time
Being mad about the same things
Over and over again
About the same things
Over and over again
But I think she’s leaving
Ooh man she’s leaving
I don’t know what else to do
(I can’t go on not loving you)

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can’t keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again yeah
And I can’t take it yeah I can’t shake it

I remember the day you left
I remember the last breath you took right in front of me
When you said that u would leave
I was too damn stubborn to try to stop you or say anything
But I see clearly now
And this choice I made keep playing in my head
Over and over again
Playing my head
Over and over again
I think she’s leaving
Ooh man she’s leaving
I don’t know what else to do
(I can’t go on not loving you)

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can’t keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can’t take it I can’t shake it

(Now that I’ve realizes that I’m going down
From all this pain you’ve put me through
Everytime I close my eyes I lock it down
I can’t go on not loving you)

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can’t keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can’t take it I can’t shake it

Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And I can’t keep picturing you with him
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can’t take it I can’t shake it

Over and Over again
Over and Over again
Cause it’s all in my head


Pe aceeași temă


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  • Catalin Zălog

    Colaborez cu cabral de prin 2014. Îmi place pentru că apreciază serviciile mele.

  • alexa
    • 05.09.2009

    f frumoasa piesa intr adevar dar te rog,nu mai fii trist!viata e frumoasa si e doar una!

  • mimi
    • 05.09.2009

    cabral…t inteleg foarte bine…atunci cand persoana iubita se indeparteaza de tine mai ales cand u crezi k e totul bine si te iubeste…si va iubiti…si sunteti fericiti…simti ca lumea se prabuseste in jurul tau…si ca nu poti rezista …ca t sufoci in fiecare secunda in care te gandesti la „acea persoana”…incerci sa te consolezi singur cu gandul ca vei trece peste asta…insa te trezesti din nou la fel…fiecare seara si fiecare zori de zi iti aduc tristete…melancolie…si ti rapesc cheful de viata…ceea ce faci u…faptul ca zambesti da dovada de putere…insa trebuie sa astepti sa treaca mai mult timp pana ce ranile se vindeca..stiu…e al dracu’ de usor de spus dar f greu sa stai sa astepti acea dimineata cand t vei trezi si vei sti k nu mai simti suferinta…si va trece pe strada nu iti va mai zvacni inima…e nevoie de timp…eu sunt de parere ca absolut totul in aceasta lume se intampla cu un scop…si fiecare suferinta ne ofera o lectie de viata pe care trebuie sa o primim cu bratele deschise…am mai spus…stiu ca e usor sa spui si f greu sa reusesti…iti doresc ca „acea dimineata”sa vina la tine cat mai curand…pentru ca stiu cat este de greu…la mine inca nu a venit…:( „Cand te bantuie tristetea…cand pierzi toate..cand te doare…cand te-nsfaca gerul vietii…sub furtuni…sub ani..sub vant…sa ta arati tacut si simplu…sa zambesti cu nepasare…E cea mai inalta arta,dintre cate-s pe pamant…” Incearca sa te bucuri de ceilalti oameni din viata ta care te iubesc si ofera-le la randul tau iubire si atentie…t pup cabral

  • ioana
    • 02.09.2009

    daapp e genul de piesa care daca o asculti oricat de binedispus ai fi te duce intr-o anume stare si te face sa te gandesti la acel ceva .daca il ai sau daca nu si de ce.

  • love_t
    • 01.09.2009

    Nu Nu Nu…
    Pai tocmai m-am uitat la toata emisiunea cu vaca aia cacacioasa!!
    Acum ce facem, ne intristam??
    Te trimitem iar la vaca =)))

  • elena
    • 01.09.2009

    imi place la nebunie melodia…aveam o perioada in care oascultam over and over again fara sa ma satur!

  • Dan
    • 01.09.2009

    Mda…stiu exact cum e…

  • Anca B.
    • 01.09.2009

    Veche piesa,o am in playlist-ul de la mp3 player, o ascult in fiecare dimineata (in functie de starea mea interioara).

  • PussyCat
    • 31.08.2009

    nu prea imi place. prea melancolica sa zic asa

  • white rose
    • 31.08.2009

    Cabral..nu-ti sta bine trist..stiu..uneori te doare sufletul atat de tare ca simti ca te sufoci..dar trebuie sa ramanem puternici..asta-i viata..o acceptam si mergem inainte..si inca ceva..daca vrei ceva cu adevarat ..lupta..!sunt sigura ca va aparea soarele si pe strada ta..!hai ..incearca sa zambesti..sa stii ca ai zambet frumos..!

  • dana
    • 31.08.2009

    f frumoasa piesa

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